Divine self-healing frequencies for the human body, audios to activate self-healing. Simply listening for a few minutes a day can promote well-being. Press play and feel better.
Divine self-healing frequencies for the human body, audios to activate self-healing. It is a course to activate the body's self-healing, with divine frequencies. Simply listening for a few minutes a day. Press play and feel better.
The Prayer Guide is a complete guide with prayers for wealth, happiness, health, and prosperity. It can also help in your love life.
Genetic Rewriting is a program designed to help people keep their mind and body healthy, keeping them away from daily stress, negative thoughts and sadness. Its objective is to bring the person to a state of calm and peace.
Sacred Herbs of Healing is a comprehensive guide that reveals the secrets of the sacred herbs mentioned in the Bible.
Please note, the charge on your card for Divine Frequencies will appear as: DIVINEHEALING or DIVINEHE.